Sunday, May 12, 2019

"Broad Creek Marsh" (Hilton Head Island, SC)

There is a lovely new park along the Broad Creek Marsh called "Shelter Cove Community Park".  While walking around the park,  trying to decide where to place my easel, I saw two brown rabbits hopping in and out of tall grasses that grow along the edge of the park. There are more houses along the far edge of the marsh than I painted.  I chose to edit out all but this white one. Spent a little over two hours on this.  It was early morning and the sun was to my back.

                                          16" x 12"
                                          oil on canvas panel


  1. That is beautiful. I love how I can feel being in the places you paint. Thank you for that and sharing.

  2. Thanks, Wendy! Your kind words are encouraging. My favorite times to paint are when I can go outside and do plein air painting.
