Tuesday, August 30, 2016

"Reynolda Gardens Arbor"

For almost two months now I  have been working on creating two commissioned paintings for a dining room that is called the "Arbor Room".  Soooo... I decided to do paintings of arbors that I know and enjoy visiting.  They are both in gardens here in North Carolina that are beautiful destinations for viewing creative landscape design, historically valued, great places to meditate, enjoy nature, celebrate weddings and other occasions,  and contemplate the beauties of nature.  The first one is here in Winston-Salem at Reynolda Gardens.  Installation/construction of the gardens started around 1911 commissioned by the late Katharine Smith Reynolds wife of Richard Joshua Reynolds the "father" of the great "Reynolds Tobacco Company" empire.

Here's the first one:

                                          Completed painting:
                                          acrylic on canvas

                                          mid-stage of painting

                                          first stage of painting showing tonal underpainting