Thursday, January 6, 2011

"San Miguel Doorway"

San Miguel de Allende(Mexico) has many architecturally and colorfully interesting doorways. On the other side of these entrances one might find a lovely shaded, landscaped garden with verdent lush plantings and a water feature, usually a fountain in the center of the garden, inviting you to relax, visit and have a drink to toast the beauty of life. I gave this to one of my beautiful sisters who loves San Miguel (as I do) so very much. Acrylic on Canvas 5" X 5"


  1. As always, it's lovely. Happy New Year! We will have to do lunch or a glass of wine to catch up. Miss you.

  2. Hi Steven! Thanks or your sweet comment. Have you got the book "Guardians of Being"? If not, I highly recommend it. In fact, I gave it to mother for Christmas. Your blog is beautiful. Buster and I hope to see you soon. Love and Best Wishes in the New Year - London

  3. Happy New Year Steven,
    I love this small gem of a painting. The beauty of the architecture combined with the mystery of what lies beyond is irresistable.
    I snapped many photos of interesting old doors during our last visit to the small Italian town of Pitigliano. I find them difficult to paint, too, because without meaning to, they become portraits with too much detail.
    Again, best wishes for 2011 and very nice work.
